Doob Community

Landing Page for the Health and Wellness Industry


About Project

Project Overview

Doob Community stands as a beacon of empowerment in the Health and Wellness industry, dedicated to supporting adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities on their journey towards holistic well-being and personal growth. With a steadfast commitment to inclusivity, compassion, and dignity, Doob Community provides a safe and nurturing online platform where individuals of all abilities can connect, learn, and thrive. From fitness resources and nutritional guidance to mental health support and community engagement, Doob Community offers a comprehensive array of resources and services tailored to the unique needs and aspirations of its members. At Doob Community, we believe in the transformative power of community and the inherent value of each individual's journey towards self-actualization


Tools Used

Tech Stack




Figma served as the primary tool for designing the user interface (UI) and user experience (UX) of the product.


Designers utilized Figma to create wireframes, mockups, and prototypes of the product's interface. It facilitated collaboration among team members and allowed for real-time feedback exchange. Figma's prototyping features enabled designers to test and refine the UI/UX design before implementation.




Angular served as the front-end framework for building dynamic and interactive web applications.


Developers utilized Angular to create the client-side logic and components of the product's front-end. Angular's powerful features, such as two-way data binding and dependency injection, enabled developers to build robust and maintainable applications. Angular's modular architecture also facilitated code organization and reusability, making it easier to scale and maintain the product over time.


Type Script


TypeScript served as a statically typed superset of JavaScript, providing type checking and additional features for robust development


Developers utilized TypeScript to enhance the reliability and maintainability of the codebase by catching errors at compile-time and providing better code documentation. TypeScript's type system helped in detecting potential bugs and improving the overall development experience


Tailwind CSS


Tailwind CSS served as a utility-first CSS framework for styling the visual presentation of the product


Developers utilized Tailwind CSS to quickly and efficiently style the components of the website's front-end. Tailwind's utility classes allowed for rapid prototyping and customization of styles without writing custom CSS, speeding up the development process and ensuring consistency in design across the website

Have a project in mind? Let's work together

Ready to embark on a transformative journey? Whether you have questions, ideas, or are ready to dive in, our team is here for you. Connect with us today and let's craft your digital success story together!